Selected Poetry
"Don't Move" & "Feeding," T.J. Eckleburg Review
'I've been," EcoTheo Collective, March 2022
"All Day the Baby" & "Not Sleeping Has its Benefits," RUMORS SECRETS & LIES anthology, Anhinga Press, Fall 2022
"Lisbon" & "Ars Poetica Sex Poem," Arts & Letters, Fall 2021
"I've Been" & "Motherhood Metaphor," American Poetry Review, November/December 2021
"Driving the Babysitter Home," "Like the Middle Ages," "Sun Poem" & "Boss(y) Voice," The Missouri Review (Summer 2020)
"You Have My Life In Your Hands" & "God's Law is Not Fully Knowable to Human Beings, Thomas Aquinas Wrote," Florida Review (Spring 2020)
"Like the Ancient Magicians," Ars Medica, Fall 2019
"Blindness" & "It Was Raining," The Los Angeles Review, July 2017
"Bell" The Southern Review, Winter 2017
"Japan's Alma Divers" Prairie Schooner, Winter 2017
"We Sat Grown Quiet" & "Dream Study" Pleiades, Winter 2017
"Wake Up You Dead" FIELD, Fall 2016
"Marriage" The Laurel Review, Spring 2016
"But to Return Again to my Going Home" The Massachusetts Review, Winter 2016
"In Obidos" The Normal School, Fall 2015
"Linguistics: A Love Story" Confrontation Magazine, Spring 2015
"Convento da Ordem do Carmo: an Ode" and "These Green Days" No Tokens, Fall 2014
"Study in Red" Pamplemousse, Vol 2, Issue 1
"Animal" North American Review, Summer 2014
"A Western Reprise" Berkeley Poetry Review, Summer 2014
"A Celebration" Conduit, Issue 25, Summer 2014
"April" "The Woman in Lisbon Who Made Us Lunch" and "Work" EPOCH magazine, Summer 2014
"Study in Orange" Bat City Review, Spring 2014
"Accent" North American Review, Winter 2014
"The Virus" Barrow Street, Winter 2013
"Study in Blue" and "Scarlet Canary" The Westchester Review, Winter 2013
"Adult Children" and "Humiliation" Sugarhouse Review, January 2013
"Window" Sonora Review, March 2013
"You're My Kind of Man" Southampton Review, Summer 2013
"What I Wish For" Four Way Review, Issue 4, 2013
"Elegy" Lumina, Volume XI, Spring 2012
"Hawaii is our Living Room" Floodwall, Fall 2011
"Pork Salt" The Doctor T.J. Eckleburg Review, Summer 2011
"A Perfect Animal" Zone 3, Spring 2011
'I've been," EcoTheo Collective, March 2022
"All Day the Baby" & "Not Sleeping Has its Benefits," RUMORS SECRETS & LIES anthology, Anhinga Press, Fall 2022
"Lisbon" & "Ars Poetica Sex Poem," Arts & Letters, Fall 2021
"I've Been" & "Motherhood Metaphor," American Poetry Review, November/December 2021
"Driving the Babysitter Home," "Like the Middle Ages," "Sun Poem" & "Boss(y) Voice," The Missouri Review (Summer 2020)
"You Have My Life In Your Hands" & "God's Law is Not Fully Knowable to Human Beings, Thomas Aquinas Wrote," Florida Review (Spring 2020)
"Like the Ancient Magicians," Ars Medica, Fall 2019
"Blindness" & "It Was Raining," The Los Angeles Review, July 2017
"Bell" The Southern Review, Winter 2017
"Japan's Alma Divers" Prairie Schooner, Winter 2017
"We Sat Grown Quiet" & "Dream Study" Pleiades, Winter 2017
"Wake Up You Dead" FIELD, Fall 2016
"Marriage" The Laurel Review, Spring 2016
"But to Return Again to my Going Home" The Massachusetts Review, Winter 2016
"In Obidos" The Normal School, Fall 2015
"Linguistics: A Love Story" Confrontation Magazine, Spring 2015
"Convento da Ordem do Carmo: an Ode" and "These Green Days" No Tokens, Fall 2014
"Study in Red" Pamplemousse, Vol 2, Issue 1
"Animal" North American Review, Summer 2014
"A Western Reprise" Berkeley Poetry Review, Summer 2014
"A Celebration" Conduit, Issue 25, Summer 2014
"April" "The Woman in Lisbon Who Made Us Lunch" and "Work" EPOCH magazine, Summer 2014
"Study in Orange" Bat City Review, Spring 2014
"Accent" North American Review, Winter 2014
"The Virus" Barrow Street, Winter 2013
"Study in Blue" and "Scarlet Canary" The Westchester Review, Winter 2013
"Adult Children" and "Humiliation" Sugarhouse Review, January 2013
"Window" Sonora Review, March 2013
"You're My Kind of Man" Southampton Review, Summer 2013
"What I Wish For" Four Way Review, Issue 4, 2013
"Elegy" Lumina, Volume XI, Spring 2012
"Hawaii is our Living Room" Floodwall, Fall 2011
"Pork Salt" The Doctor T.J. Eckleburg Review, Summer 2011
"A Perfect Animal" Zone 3, Spring 2011
"We Were Lucky to Know Tony Hoagland" Provincetown Arts Magazine, Summer 2020
"Show Your Work" Quartz, February 2018
"The Concept of Beauty" Literary Arts Review, Winter 2017
"A Strange Collage" The North American Review Blog, Spring 2014
"New Year's Resolution: Can the Writer be Humble?" Gulf Coast Editors' Blog, January 2014
"The English Revolution at the University of Houston" Green Mountains Review online, Summer 2013
"The Life and Work of H.D." The Mezzo Cammin Women Poets Timeline Project, Summer 2013
"Show Your Work" Quartz, February 2018
"The Concept of Beauty" Literary Arts Review, Winter 2017
"A Strange Collage" The North American Review Blog, Spring 2014
"New Year's Resolution: Can the Writer be Humble?" Gulf Coast Editors' Blog, January 2014
"The English Revolution at the University of Houston" Green Mountains Review online, Summer 2013
"The Life and Work of H.D." The Mezzo Cammin Women Poets Timeline Project, Summer 2013
Praying Naked Green Mountains Review (forthcoming)
Hothouse Pleiades Book Review, Vol 15.2, Summer 2018 (print)
Willy Loman's Reckless Daughter 32 Poems
Mimi's Trapeze Green Mountains Review (print)
BEAST Boston Review (print)
All You Do Is Perceive Cutbank
We Did Not Fear the Father Green Mountains Review (print)
American Chew Green Mountains Review
But Our Princess Pleiades (print)
Silvertone Green Mountains Review
Gaze Green Mountains Review
Earth Again Green Mountains Review
The Switching/Yard Green Mountains Review
Who Cooks For You? American Book Review (print)
The Return of the Native Cutbank
door of thin skins Green Mountains Review
Dear Editor Green Mountains Review
American Rhapsody Green Mountains Review
The Hello Delay Green Mountains Review
The Nervous Filaments Gulf Coast (print)
Hothouse Pleiades Book Review, Vol 15.2, Summer 2018 (print)
Willy Loman's Reckless Daughter 32 Poems
Mimi's Trapeze Green Mountains Review (print)
BEAST Boston Review (print)
All You Do Is Perceive Cutbank
We Did Not Fear the Father Green Mountains Review (print)
American Chew Green Mountains Review
But Our Princess Pleiades (print)
Silvertone Green Mountains Review
Gaze Green Mountains Review
Earth Again Green Mountains Review
The Switching/Yard Green Mountains Review
Who Cooks For You? American Book Review (print)
The Return of the Native Cutbank
door of thin skins Green Mountains Review
Dear Editor Green Mountains Review
American Rhapsody Green Mountains Review
The Hello Delay Green Mountains Review
The Nervous Filaments Gulf Coast (print)
"To Be a Poet" & "Verses of Pride" by Florbela Espanca Circumference
"Ghost-Ships" & "Chopin" by Florbela Espanca Ezra (forthcoming)
Into English: An Anthology of Multiple Translations (Graywolf, 2017)
"Ghost-Ships" & "Chopin" by Florbela Espanca Ezra (forthcoming)
Into English: An Anthology of Multiple Translations (Graywolf, 2017)
Collaborative Poetry (with Lauren Hilger)
"Happy Birthday," Barrow Street, Summer 2020
"Women Laughing on Their Two Feet," Portland Review
"Jersey Shore," Poet Lore
"Long Life to Us Both," Potomac Review
"Good Luck," New American Writing
"True Story" Hawaii Pacific Review
"Ruffle palm" & "Let's not be mean" Denver Quarterly, Spring 2019
"Halloween as Catullus" Ninth Letter, Fall/Winter 2016-2017
"Jumping," "Love Poem," "The Moon Rides like a Girl--Through a Topaz Town" Yes, Poetry
"Hero Book," "Score for Invention," "To January" Witch Craft Magazine
"Lap Pool" Cosmonauts Avenue
"Goodbye, Hot-Dot!"Puerto del Sol, Spring 2015
"The Emergency" Washington Square Review, Winter/Spring 2015
"Worn as a Toga" & "House Guest" Cimarron Review, Fall 2014
"A Real Knack for This" & "The Real/Polly Pocket" The Blueshift Journal, Fall 2014
"Flour" Salamander Magazine
"Women Laughing on Their Two Feet," Portland Review
"Jersey Shore," Poet Lore
"Long Life to Us Both," Potomac Review
"Good Luck," New American Writing
"True Story" Hawaii Pacific Review
"Ruffle palm" & "Let's not be mean" Denver Quarterly, Spring 2019
"Halloween as Catullus" Ninth Letter, Fall/Winter 2016-2017
"Jumping," "Love Poem," "The Moon Rides like a Girl--Through a Topaz Town" Yes, Poetry
"Hero Book," "Score for Invention," "To January" Witch Craft Magazine
"Lap Pool" Cosmonauts Avenue
"Goodbye, Hot-Dot!"Puerto del Sol, Spring 2015
"The Emergency" Washington Square Review, Winter/Spring 2015
"Worn as a Toga" & "House Guest" Cimarron Review, Fall 2014
"A Real Knack for This" & "The Real/Polly Pocket" The Blueshift Journal, Fall 2014
"Flour" Salamander Magazine